###performance-id: pid9050-06 ###title: Mazurka in A minor, Op. 7, No. 2 ###trials: 20 ###date: 2005/12/12/ ###reverse-conductor: Craig Stuart Sapp ###performer: Eugen Indjic ###performance-date: 2001 ###label: Calliope 3321 ###label-title: Integrale des mazurkas: Frederic Chopin ###trial-hardware: Sony Vaio PCG-R505GC laptop ###trial-cpuspeed: 1193.084 MHz ###trial-os: Windows XP ###COM: Chopin, Frederic ###CDT: 1810///-1849/// ###OTL: Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 7, No. 2 ###OPS: Op. 7 ###ONM: No. 2 ###OMD: Vivo ma non troppo ###ODT: 1830///-1832/// ###PDT: 1832///-1835/// ###PPP: Leipzig, 1832; Paris and London, 1833; no.1, Warsaw, 1835 ###ODE: Mr. Johns of nouvelle-Orleans ###ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp ###END: 2005/02/20/ 23.712 0:3 51.380 0:3 76.460 0:3 81.570 0:3 92.982 0:3 95.554 0:3 98.480 0:3 102.374 0:3 104.663 0:3 105.687 0:3 117.053 0:3 119.617 0:3 122.447 0:3 126.164 0:3 128.672 0:3 129.996 0:3 166.429 0:3 174.931 0:3