###performance-id: pid5667269b-38 ###title: Mazurka in B minor, Op. 30, No. 2 ###trials: 1 ###date: 2007/03/02/ ###reverse-conductor: Craig Stuart Sapp ###performer: Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli ###performance-date: 1971 ###label: Philips 456 904-2 ###label-title: Great Pianists of the 20th century, vol. 69 ###offset: 0 ###COM: Chopin, Frederic ###CDT: 1810///-1849/// ###OTL: Mazurka in B Minor, Op. 30, No. 2 ###OPS: Op. 30 ###ONM: No. 2 ###OMD: Vivace ###ODT: 1837/// ###ODE: Princess Maria Czartoryska Württemberg ###AIN: piano ###ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp ###END: 2004/12/24/ 13.273 0:3 15.724 0:3 18.573 0:3 21.657 0:3 24.606 0:3 92.788 0:3