###performance-id: pid5667230-19 ###title: Mazurka in A minor, Op. 68, No. 2 ###trials: 5 (1-5) ###date: 2006/02/11/ ###reverse-conductor: Craig Stuart Sapp ###performer: Ignaz Friedman ###performance-date: 1930 ###label: Philips 456 784-2 ###label-title: Great Pianists of the 20th century, vol. 30 ###trial-hardware: Sony Vaio PCG-R505GC laptop ###trial-cpuspeed: 1193.084 MHz ###trial-os: Windows XP ###COM: Chopin, Frederic ###CDT: 1810///-1849/// ###OTL: Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 68, No. 2 ###OPS: Op. 68 ###ONM: No. 2 ###OMD: Lento ###ODT: ~1830/// ###PDT: 1855/// ###PPP: Berlin ###AIN: piano ###ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp ###END: 2005/03/04/ 1.177 0:2 1.700 0:2 8.591 0:2 9.104 0:2 9.678 0:2 10.288 0:2 22.881 0:2 23.405 0:2 23.966 0:2 24.576 0:2 30.212 0:2 35.313 0:2 45.157 0:2 45.752 0:2 46.295 0:2 46.904 0:2 52.727 0:2 57.705 0:2 69.222 0:2 69.705 0:2 70.180 0:2 70.733 0:2 82.624 0:2 83.520 0:2 90.200 0:2 91.092 0:2 111.155 0:2 111.669 0:2 112.188 0:2 112.794 0:2 119.288 0:2 124.535 0:2 135.609 0:2 136.084 0:2 136.531 0:2 137.106 0:2 147.921 0:2